Hello! Thanks for your interest in my music!
UPDATE AUGUST 2024: Pausing new requests for the time being. Thank you.
I will be opting in music on my profile for Geometry Dash on a per request basis. Meaning, if you want to use something and it's currently unavailable for use in Geometry Dash, please first send me a message to ask about using it and I can make it available for use in Geometry Dash. I cannot guarantee that every song will be approved.
PLEASE credit my name and include a link to my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/hollandalbright) if you use my music in Geometry Dash and post/share it.
Once I greenlight a song for Geometry Dash, it may not show up right away. I cannot do anything about this. Please contact a Newgrounds or Geometry Dash admin or moderator for assistance.
***NOTE: Some of my music may be within YouTube's Content ID system, meaning you will NOT be able to monetize videos on YouTube using my music in Geometry Dash. Please keep this in mind with requests to use my music. If you monetize or plan to monetize your YouTube videos, please do not use my music for your videos OR contact me and we can discuss an agreement. My music is not free to use for commercial or monetized projects. Thank you for understanding.